doublelucky productions
A scroll through ‹The Garden of Tangled Data› *
  • Germany
  • Interactive Narrative Website

  • Offline
  • Sewoon Hall
  • 2022.11.13.Sun – 2022.11.19.Sat
  • 12:00-19:00

  • Free
  • Korean/German

*The form of this work is a website, can be viewed both online and offline.

Almost everyone carries a digital database in their pockets: fotos, chats, emails that don’t gather dust and never decompose, existing forever on inaccessible server farms. This is different in The Garden of Tangled Data. Here, data is not read but sown. Visitors stroll/scroll through the site and upload pictures from their cell phones, and observe how they cross, blossom and eventually become humus in the digital community garden. doublelucky productions is planting an alternative ecosystem of peaceful coexistence, between technology, plants and us. Vegetation has been measured and datafied long enough – now it’s time to vegetize data.

Idea·Concept: doublelucky productions
Text·Voice: Christiane Kühl
Video·Image processing: Chris Kondek
Composition·Music: Hannes Strobl
Website design·Programming: Laura Piccolo
Backend administration·Second screen experience: Peter Ehses
Software development·Postprocessing: Thomas Geissl
Hypercam design: Kim Albrecht
Technical operator: Phillip Hohenwarter (2022, Korea)
A commission by HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Production: doublelucky productions and HAU Hebbel am Ufer

Sponsored by Arts Council Korea

A scroll through ‹The Garden of Tangled Data› *
© courtesy of the artist