Kim Suhwa
  • Korea
  • VR Performance

  • 2022.11.7.Mon 19:30
  • 2022.11.8.Tue 19:30

  • Seoul Art Space Mullae M30 Gallery

  • 60 min
  • 20,000 KRW
  • Korean

Kim Suhwa is a performer and choreographer who explores the corporeality that arises between the body and technological media. Metahands deals with the choreographer’s body wavering between the virtual space in VR and the space in reality. The work questions how the “here and now” or the community on the stage can exist, when our senses are scattered to spaces spread out across the virtual and the real. From these myriads of senses and experiences, what could be considered the “common memory”? Can we consider the contemporary human body that fluctuates around this uncertainty to belong to the same species of the past? While welcoming the incongruity and the incomplete synchronization between the virtual and the physical body in the VR medium, the artist continues to strive to conjoin the two on the other.

Direction·Performance: Kim Suhwa
Co-creation: Jye-Hwei Lin
Stage·VR design: Si Hyunsoo
Light·Projection Mapping·Sound design: Shin Hyerin
Project management: Kim YoonA

This work was published with the support of “2022 ARKO Art & Tech”
*Sponsored by the 2022 Seoul Dance Center Residency Program of the SFAC(Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture)

© courtesy of the artist