Mårten Spångberg
Hidden In The Dashboard
  • Germany/Sweden
  • Fiction

  • Korean

  • Writing: Mårten Spångberg
  • Translation: Kim Shinu

Part of Mårten Spångberg’s performance I’m Hiding One Of These commissioned by the festival is a novel that will be published on the festival’s webpage before the premiere. The novel unfolds a landscape within which the performance is taking place, and is at the same time the program note for the piece, which of course can be enjoyed afterwards.
The interest is not to tell a story where the performance becomes the last chapter, the resolution but instead to approach the format novel from the perspective of dance and choreography, and as we know dance doesn’t tell stories but is rather something one experiences adding one’s personal narratives to what is talking-place. At the same time, a novel without a story is that a novel, or is it already something else, an environment, a rhythm or a sensation?

Hidden In The Dashboard
© courtesy of the artist