Toshiki Okada
  • Japan
  • Eizo-Theater

  • 2022.11.10.Thur 19:30
  • 2022.11.11.Fri 14:00 / 16:30 / 19:30
  • 2022.11.12.Sat 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
  • 2022.11.13.Sun 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00

  • SFAC theater QUAD

  • 60 min
  • 40,000 KRW
  • Japanese
  • Korean/English subtitle

As a leading figure in contemporary theatre, Toshiki Okada Shimpei Yamada, a stage and video designer have ​​developed a new type of theatre called ‘EIZO-Theatre’, in which he transforms the screen into a theatrical space. EIZO-Theatre presents ‘theatre’ by means of images of actors projected onto screens etc. and the audience’s powers of imagination.
In NEW ILLUSION, images of a man and a woman projected on a screen on the stage begin talking about a play that was performed in that theatre up until the preceding day, set in the room where they had lived together. While their conversation hovers over the blurry boundaries between reality and fiction , present and past, existence and absence, the virtual and the real encroach on each other.
“When the images of EIZO-Theatre are projected on a stage where actors are absent, how does theatre begin to operate?”

Playwright·Director: Toshiki Okada
Video Director: Shimpei Yamada
Cast: Tomomitsu Adachi, Ayana Shiibashi, 정중엽
Music: 장영규
Recording·Sound: Raku Nakahara(Luftzug)
Lighting: Masayoshi Takada(RYU), Kousue Ashidano(RYU)
Costume: Kyoko Fujitani(FAIFAI)
Stage Manager: Daijiro Kawakami, Marie Moriyama
Recording: Yuki Sato, OHSHIRO SOUND OFFICE Inc.
Video Assistant: Shiori Saito(AOZORA), Yuki Higuchi
Interpretation: Nawon Lee
English Translation: Aya Ogawa
Korean Translation: Lee Hongyie
Planning and Production Management : precog co., LTD.
Producer: Megumi Mizuno(precog)
Production Manager: Nanami Endo(precog)
Assistant Production Manager: Ema Murakami(precog)
Production Desk: Yuri Saito, Kumi Hiraoka(precog)

(for Seoul performance)
Lighting Operator: Arisa Nagasaka (RYU)

Production producer: Min-hyung Kang
Organized and Produced by chelfitsch, Virtual Station
Co-presented by Ob/Scene Festival, SFAC theater QUAD
This work is produced by ‘2022 ACC (Asia Culture Center) International Co-production Performing Arts Development Program’
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs , Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council
In co-operation with KU Inc., office III’s with the assistance of The Saison Foundation

© courtesy of the artist