Mette Edvardsen
No Title & Black
  • Norway
  • Performance

  • 2022.11.19.Sat 15:00
  • 2022.11.20.Sun 15:00

  • KIM HEE-SU Art Center Space1

  • No Title 40 min
  • Black 25 min

  • 40,000 KRW
  • English
  • Korean subtitle

Mette Edvardsen is a choreographer and performer based in Oslo and Brussels. Although some of her works explore other media or other formats, such as video, books, and writing, her interest is always in their relationship to the performing arts as a practice and a situation. At this year’s Ob/Scene Festival, Edvardsen will present two works: Black and No Title. While Black is about making the invisible world visible through language, No Title addresses existence through negation, opening the perspective of the audience to encounter all there is when leaving behind that which is not.
No Title is about how reality exists in language and how this extends into real space. It is about how memory and imagination blur, about how things can be there and gone at the same time, about things that have gone before their time and things that never quite disappear.
Black is a constant effort to make invisible things appear in a silent, empty room. In void space, the world starts to slowly reveal itself through words and movement.

No Title
Created and performed by Mette Edvardsen
Production: Mette Edvardsen/ Athome
Co-production: Kaaitheater(Brussels), BUDA/ NEXT Festival(Kortrijk), Teaterhuset Avant Garden(Trondheim), BIT(Bergen), Black Box teater(Oslo)
Supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Norsk Kulturråd
Special thanks to Heiko Gölzer, Mari Matre Larsen
Photo by Lilia Mestre
Graphic design: Michaël Bussaer

Created and performed by Mette Edvardsen
Production: Mette Edvardsen/ Athome
Co-produced by Black Box teater(Oslo), Work Space(Brussels)
In collaboration with Kaaitheater(Brussels), Vooruit(Gent), Netwerk(Aalst)
Supported by Norsk Kulturråd, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In cooperation with Korea National Contemporary Dance Company

No Title & Black
© Lilia Mestre