Mårten Spångberg
Riverbank Sessions - Showing Up In Such A Coat
  • Germany/Swenden
  • a Series of conversations

  • 2022.10.30.Sun 15:00
  • 2022.10.31.Mon 19:00
  • 2022.11.7.Mon 19:00


  • 120 min
  • Free*
  • *first-come, first-served admission without online reservation
  • English
  • Korean translation

For this year’s festival Mårten Spångberg will continue the journey embarked on in the previous edition of Ob/scene, remixing theory with dance, life size examples with personal anecdotes. These talks are not lectures but improvisations, taking off from the middle growing in all directions. They are not guides or explanations but instead reflections in the sense of light bouncing on a shiny surface, continuing although slightly transformed. They are horizons that aim at undoing the elaboration of perspectives, they are something you reach from rather than learn from. They are like moments sitting on the beach experiencing the sun sink into the ocean, they are impressions that forget to become images. Flows that withdraw from being captured.
The aim of these sessions is to shed light on, indeed to explain what Mårten Spångberg’s work is about, if they are about something and if so what they are not about.

  • A proposal by Mårten Spångberg
Riverbank Sessions - Showing Up In Such A Coat
© courtesy of the artist