Kim Jisun
The House of Sorrow
  • Korea
  • Performance

  • 2022.11.9.Wed 18:00
  • 2022.11.10.Thur 18:00

  • Art Sonje Center Art Hall

  • 70 min
  • 20,000 KRW
  • 30,000 KRW Package Ticket*
  • *The House of Sorrow/Off Tours
  • Korean/English

Kim Jisun is a performance artist who has been exploring the vague borders and cracks of the social system and questioned the possibility of sensing the self and world. This year’s Ob/Scene Festival introduces her two works: Off Tours and The House of Sorrow. Both works travel through virtual spaces like the gaming world or the web, to question the sensations of a non/physical space, and to think about the very system of thought.
The House of Sorrow begins with a trip that the artist went on to the Amazon, where Kim Jisun met a man named Min, who handed her a mysterious USB stick containing various games that are suspected to be his own creations. Kim plays these games to trace what it was that Min wanted to see. By adding her thoughts and revising the original, Kim has created a new version of the game, entitling it The House of Sorrow, to which she invites the audience.

Conception and direction: Kim Jisun
Assistant director: Yoonzee Kang
Technical director: Jimmy Kim
Game development: Doohyun Park, Gigang Moon, Ojun Kwon
Illustration: Chaewon Oh
English translation - Yoonzin Kang
Performer: Eunkeong Yun

Co-production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts
Sponsored by Ministry of Culture; Sports and Tourism, Seoul Metropolitan Goverment, Seoul Foundation for arts and Culture, Arts Council Korea
Co-presented by Ob/Scene Festival, Art Sonje Center

The House of Sorrow
© Kim Jisun