Im Go-Eun
Three Circles with(in) the Whale *
  • Korea/The Netherlands
  • Visual Performance

  • 2022.11.10.Thur – 2022.11.12.Sat
    11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 / 21:00
    (16:00 break)
  • 2022.11.13.Sun
    11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00

  • Ob/Scene Space (Seochon Space Seoro)

  • 50 min
  • 10,000 KRW
  • English
  • Korean subtitle

Im Go-Eun is an artist and fillmmaker who presented her works at various film festivals and exhibitions in Korea and abroad. She has taken a keen interest in the flexible characteristic of the dialectic relationship between subject and object, past and present, truth and fiction embedded in the cinematic gaze. Her recent focus lies on discovering a poetic language to recover the wild in face of the global ecological crisis.
Three Circles with(in) a Whale is a reconstruction of the first work of the Archipelago Map project, presented at last year’s Ob/Scene Festival.
How much do we sense, contemplate, and react to the signals sent by the life and death of other existences? How can we open up the closed relationship we have been forming with them? How can we sustain our relationships by maintaining the tension that arises from differences, instead of disregarding or blurring such boundaries? To find the answers to these questions, the time of whales and humans dive together into a circle, a space both filled and empty at the same time.

Concept·Image: Im Go-Eun
Sound: Post Industrial Boys(George Dzodzuashvili), Marie Poland
Text: John Banville, Jorge Luis Borges, Emily Dickinson, Robert Graves, Ursula K. Le Guin, Herman Melville, Marianne Moore
Commissioned by Ob/Scene Festival 2021
Technical Producer: Shin Jinyoung(apparat/us)
Stage: Sim Woosup
Video·Lighting: Jung Haein
Sound: Jang Taesoon

Sponsored by Arts Council Korea

Three Circles with(in) the Whale *
© courtesy of the artist